
Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week

1. Pac-tivity

The Tupac hologram keeps turning up in our top 10. It is already famous on social media, but what about a movie career? This week’s number one is this Tupac #hologram parody, posted to Twitter by @RatchetPictures (950+ followers).

 2. 9GagTweets

Which of these three looks most familiar? This popular image is by @9gagtweets (33.000+ followers). #9GagTweets

 3. May Day

On May 1st, the Occupy movement and other protesters all over the world returned to the streets for #MayDay demonstrations. The events were well-documented by Twitter users, who posted thousands of pictures and tweets to the popular sharing platform. This picture, posted by @911BUFF (3500+ followers), displays the view over the demonstrations in Manhattan.

 4. Skyline

This picture, featuring the skyline of Canton, Ohio, was tweeted by @djstone13. "#Skyline" was one of the #photoaday challenge subjects for this week.

 5. Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday is a weekly returning event, which is all about recapturing memories and showing a part of your past with your followers on Twitter in the form of a picture. This picture, tweeted by 15-year-old actor Colin Ford (@colinfordactor, 35.000+ followers), displays Colin along with the Supernatural cast, "on the first Supernatural episode yearrrrs ago."

6. You Only Live Once

#YOLO is an acronym for "You Only Live Once." This picture of an apparently failed test was tweeted by @RatchetPictures with the caption: "Blame Drake. ‘The Motto (YOLO)’ is a song by Drake and rapper Lil’ Wayne. Kids, don’t try this at home (or at school)."

 7. On fast forward

This popular image by @Justin1Derland (35.000+ followers) hardly needs an explanation.

 8. Photo a Day

The immensely popular #PhotoADay challenges on Twitter are organized by blogger @FatMumSlim (9000+ followers) every month. The challenge consists of posting a picture of a predetermined subject to your Twitter account every day, from your mobile phone. The photo subjects for this month, displayed on this image, were released a few days before May 1.

 9. All In the Name

@AndrewBloch (18.000+ followers, founder of Frank PR) tweeted this image along with the capture: “This sign at the doctors surgery made me laugh.”

 10. Earless bunny

According to @UberFacts (over 1.5 million followers), earless bunnies have allegedly been found in China. Whether this picture is real or photoshopped is not clear, but the bunny's cuteness remains undisputed.

The upper echelon of popular Twitter pics this week dealt with cuteness, beauty and even some truth. And in between, there were reminders that all was not as it appeared.

As the new month began, protest pictures found their way to Twitter, and as the week progressed, comedy took over.

We certainly had no shortage of pictures from which to choose, sifting through 42 million to select this week’s top 10.

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